a soothsayer's dues is never over

amidst my woes, i find a light (hello!)

So, Twitter, huh? Blegh. Blargh. Bah.

I'm pretty sick of the internet falling apart. Life's already hectic as it is, can't the millionaires who run our lives give us at least one respite from it all? No, they echo from their golden towers into our pitiful suburban homes. You can not. Ah, well.

That's why it makes me happy to find little indie projects like this - I'll try to use it to ween off of social media. I've always wanted to start a blog, but I've been terrible at keeping up with it. You should see the journal collection I've amassed over the years, all empty but one hopeful, filled page, but I suppose that isn't anything revolutionary.

Introductions and house keeping - my name is Luca (subject to change; apologies in advanced, gender is a fickle mister), and I've been unsupervised (re: chronically online) on the internet for a few decades now. Decades! Ye gads. I'm a transgender male (TERFs begone, etc etc) with a penchant for fandom, illustration, music, and other random fuckery (I am also a potty mouth - sorry to any mothers reading this). I love oldweb history, archival, activism, dolls, and model kits. Many other things tend to be added and removed from that list, so don't be surprised if I don't talk about something for a while - it's the ADHD.

My pronouns are he/him and I won't tolerate misgendering or general transphobia in this house, as stated above. I believe in a fascist-free future and believe that all cops are indeed bastards. Unions are awesome! I'm a fairly left leaning person in general, but I'm not open for discussion about politics - I simply don't have the spoons or appropriate knowledge to handle a full debate or conversation.

I've run out of things to say, it seems. I'd truly appreciate sticking around! I plan to have comics uploaded here as well, so hopefully you can have more options than my bland, blah life.

Oh! Please donate to my moving fund! I'm in a pretty not-very-trans friendly household, and I'm planning to move out for the first time so I can finally, safely transition. Link here:
