a soothsayer's dues is never over

advanced adventures

Howdy! I hope your day is going well! Aside from a headache, I've been alright.

I've been playing Pokemon Violet as of late. Initially, I pegged it as my least favorite game in the series - I had got it on launch due to FOMO, completed the initial routes, and put it away. I had loved Sword and Shield to bits and pieces, and to me, it just didn't live up to that adventure. But I still had the itch to play it - the gameplay was addicting, and catching Pokemon had been easier than ever before. This is my first Pokemon game with an almost complete Pokedex.

So, I picked it back up again. I've been playing it in my free time bit by bit, and it started to really grow on me. I love my team - Gallade has been an absolute powerhouse who's able to cover weaknesses. My Umbreon is a tank who hits hard and often comes in clutch. I'm also using Pokemon that I've never really given thought to before, like Braviary and Bellibolt. It's been great!

I've also finally been reading Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams, thanks to an Audible credit. It's very, very British, but it's also quite charming. It reminds greatly me of the Cornetto Trilogy of films by Edgar Wright. I'm immediately charmed by the relationship between Ford and Arthur - hapless protagonist and their insane best friend has always been one of my favorite tropes, and I'm excited to see their relationship develop more.

Life itself has been hectic, as always. Recently, my Nana (mom's side) came to visit. She's 80+ and fairly weak. She doesn't remember the names of her grandchildren anymore, but she still loves them, nonetheless. Every time she's over, my mother gets so tired. I know they don't have the best relationship, and that my mother's childhood wasn't fantastic, so there has to be an emotional strain there. I get it, and I'm sure that I'll feel the same way later on in life. However, I wish she'd be more patient with her at the same time - her memory is going, she's going to need a lot more help around the house here pretty soon, and all my mother ever does is nag and be rude to her. It makes me sad. Hopefully I can bring it up soon without much of a fight.

I didn't mean for that to turn into a vent - but I suppose that's more or less what a blog is for, right? ^^;

I hope things are going well for whoever may be reading this. Please remember that you're loved!